Icarus The movie “Icarus” was created in 2017. The Director of this movie is Bryan Fogel. The main stars of the movie are Bryan Fogel, Nikita Kamaev and Grigory Rodchenkov. The movie was about an athlete whose name was Bryan, and about every Russian sportsman using doping. This film is really interesting and include many interesting things about doping. It happened in 2014, Bryan Fogel was a cyclist. He had a mountain bike, and it was his entire life. He was getting ready for the single hardest amateur cycling event in the world. It was basically a miniature Tour de France for insane people. Bryan has been ri...
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Dark Days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZnt4oJFaNw Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTNeG9m_3Uw Film Marc Singer's film shows an extraordinary world that exists below the streets of Manhattan. In the perpetual darkness of the tunnels, people make their homes. They build shacks out of cardboard and lumber, and fill them with furniture dragged down from above. Tapping into city lines, they have light and water, and many have stoves, refrigerators and TV sets. One thinks of documentaries about life at the bottom of the sea, where giant worms live in the warmth of sulfur vents. Life is opportunistic and finds its way everywhere, and there is something Darwinian about these tunnel dwellers, who have found a niche where they can survive. They are not, they emphasize, "homeless." Singer heard about the tunnel people on a news broadcast. He went looking for them, and then came back to film them. Eventu...
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